Monday, July 21, 2008


Ahoy to all,

I would like to start with Soldiers of Christ Kingdom (SOCK).
As a Soldier I am to remind self proclaimed believers in Him(man) of how his fall away from true Christianity has destroyed his view of what Christ really wanted from His followers.
First you need to read His teachings, and the best way is to get His word in your hands that have His teaching in Red Letters.
Once you have the Book, open it and really read and study what He is teaching to all who want to really be His Bride.
Then stop and look around.
Do you really see this in your Church and in the behavior of the people who claim His name?
I won't answer that. This is for you to answer.
So, now you will be able to open your eyes to the injustices all around.

This is what I happened to notice in our way of thinking in the US.
There are thousands of church's, all with small, but yet different ways of belief, yet they hold claim to being true followers of Christ.
Did he not state that an arm is not separate of the body.
So, why then are we not all believing the Same as he taught?
Are we not, who believe, believing the same?, or at least that's what He wanted.
It is time that we wake up and see that His teachings have the same meaning and not for Humanity to interject all these other Doctrines which have nothing to do with His Teachings.
We have to remember that he came to fulfill the Law, but to give us a new way and to put off the old.
God is for no country or ideology.
God is only for you when you are for Him and follow Christ teachings.
Here is one that we must obey.
But as you examine it, you will come to the knowledge that many don't follow it .
#1 on the Hit Parade is:
How can you LOVE a GOD you can't see and not LOVE a brother (sister) you can see?
#2 true Religion (according to Christ):
To care for the Have-nots ( windows and orphans etc.)
#3 to give unto God.
Your last Tenth, not the first tenth.
These are some of the most important teachings.
Now do you call yourself a Christian?
He will know you by what you have obeyed when you say you committed your life to Him.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
If you feel that this is what you believe, then others will see it.
You to can become a S.O.C.K.
Just right me and I will put you int the Ranks of His Army.
You can order a shirt and a membership card, but you have to be true to Him and not what I say.
When you right I will ask some very important questions to see if you really want to be part of Christ's Army.
There is one thing that may happen. You may have Lucifer's minions come a calling.
Remember what Christ said, that you will go through tribulation and suffering once you follow Him.
Not all a bed of roses when you join.
Of one mind and one body. with Him.
Truely you will.


Johny the artist said...


I agree with your assesment of so called CHRISTIANS - I always believed that it is not the hour spent in church on Sunday, that makes you a Christian, but how you live your life during the week - the so called Christians running the White House, say they believe in Jesus Christ, but look at their actions - they speak louder then all their meaningless words - the devil is proud of the Washington evil empire and is a shame that so many people in this country have been fooled.

Sharky said...

Your right about being fooled.
Satan knows our weaknesses and he surely will use any and all of them, like he tries with me.
If people would just self educate themselves in Christ through his words they would then hear it in their hearts. Instead they feel as if they are not capable to understand what g-D is relating to them, for them. Instead of trusting him to Show them what he wants and needs for them to be, they turn to man to instruct what these men have gotten from the word, but not what they need for that moment. We trust to much in mans answers then his.
He did give us a book full of answers and lessons, that will give us what we desire to know and be.
We were all created different, with different gifts and to go further, with different minds(thoughts)
He wanted all to not be robots.
We are free thinkers.
We choose to follow His way or the highway.
The highway is fast with many lanes, but at the end there is an exit before the toll. this exit will lead you to a ruff road that is narrow with many turn arounds.
The toll booth is our judgement, the exit is Christ's sacrifice.
I hope we can continue or dialog later.
Sharky S.O.C.K.